
Accuplacer Test

Sarah Dugas 0 1947

Student Working At Laptop studying for AccuplacerOur Practical Nursing Program requires a TABE Level A, ACT, Accuplacer, or Accuplacer Next Generation test to ensure students are ready to begin the program. We are pleased to offer the Accuplacer - Next Generation test, which can be scheduled by appointment.

Secure Your Future Within The Year

Sarah Dugas 0 953

Two Compass Career College Pipe Technician student women in class.April is National Welding Month, so it is the perfect time to talk about new career opportunities! Compass Career College can help you secure your future by equipping you with the skills you need to start your career. If you enjoy hands-on learning then our Pipe Technician Program may be the right fit for you. Over 88% of your time in our program is actively spent in the lab. You can tour our facilities and learn more about the details of the program on our website!

Why Compass Career College

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Compass Career College cosmetology student doing hair on a mannequinThere are many reasons why Compass Career College is the right choice when deciding what direction you want to take in life. Here are a few ways Compass Career College will set you up to achieve your dreams and find the career you deserve.

Can My Personality Help Decide My Career Path?

Sarah Dugas 0 1159

Compass Career College LPN teacher and student reviewing information together.Remember when our social feeds were flooded with BuzzFeed quizzes that determine which Friends character you are most like? While those quizzes are entertaining, there is an assessment that is more informative and could help you better plan for your future than just knowing if you are more like Phoebe or Chandler.

Focus on the Essential: Pipe Technicians

Sarah Dugas 0 930

Compass Career College Pipe Technician student weldingPipe Technicians are essential, and so are you. If you’re looking to get into welding, there’s no better place to start than Compass Career College! You can learn everything from the basics of welding to more advanced techniques. Whether you have experience in welding, or are new to the concept, you can learn in a welcoming, motivating, and inclusive environment here at Compass. Going into a field with a constantly growing need for skilled workers is a smart way to both jumpstart your career, and have job certainty.


Jumpstart your new career.
Contact Compass Career College today.

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