
Become An Essential Worker

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Compass Career College Allied Health students in class talkingThe COVID-19 Pandemic has shed light on the continuous need for essential workers throughout the nation. There is no definition of an “essential worker”, but it is understood that those working in the healthcare industry are essential to the safety of human lives. Occupations in this industry include doctors, nurses, caregivers, medical assistants, nurse aides, medical coders etc. who are on the front line in the fight against COVID-19.

Steps to Become a Licensed Practical Nurse

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Compass Career College Pratical Nursing hallway with students and teachersBecoming a licensed practical nurse is one way to enter the surging health care field without attending years of school. Students frequently complete their education and begin working within two years. It is also a career that can be a starting point for further education and employment opportunities in the nursing field.

Coronavirus Information

There are no cases of COVID-19/Coronavirus on campus.

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Woman With Face Mask

Update: March 24th, 2020

As of March 24th, Compass Career College will follow the Governor's proclamation and limit operations on campus.  Programs which are eligible will continue their coursework online. Staff will work remotely from home and are available to answer any questions via email.  For admissions information please contact Kristin Pfeifer at



You Can Change Your Life with a New Career Path – Let Compass Career College Help You!

Sarah Dugas 0 1287

Compass Career College graduationNot everyone is ready to decide what they want to do with the rest of their life at the age of eighteen. You have just graduated high school, are most likely still living with your parents, and have little to no real world experience. There is a harsh reality in making such a weighted decision so early in life before you truly know yourself and where your passions lie.


Jumpstart your new career.
Contact Compass Career College today.

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