
Sarah Dugas
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Focus on the Essential: Pipe Technicians

Compass Career College Pipe Technician student weldingPipe Technicians are essential, and so are you. If you’re looking to get into welding, there’s no better place to start than Compass Career College! You can learn everything from the basics of welding to more advanced techniques. Whether you have experience in welding, or are new to the concept, you can learn in a welcoming, motivating, and inclusive environment here at Compass. Going into a field with a constantly growing need for skilled workers is a smart way to both jumpstart your career, and have job certainty.

Why This Certificate?

The need for welders is currently on the rise. Louisiana is expanding through the Department of Economic Development and many companies are choosing to invest in new plant construction and expansions of existing plants. This expansion will cause an even greater need for skilled workers in upcoming years. Welding will be increasing by 6% annually through 2026, and welders earn an average of $42,490 per year, or $20.43 per hour, according to The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. By investing in a Pipe Technician Program, you are also investing in your future.

What Does This Certificate Really Look Like?

This is a profession where you can work with your hands and actually see the results of what you’ve made. Over 88% of time in this program are lab hours rather than lecture hours. At Compass, you can actively practice and hone your skills so that you leave equipped and ready to start your career. Welding requires precision, dedication, endurance, and a meticulous attention to detail. Our Pipe Technician Program is a great option if you enjoy learning in a hands-on environment, want a job you can do well and with pride.

How Do I Achieve This Goal?

The average person watches 730 hours of Netflix a year and spends 876 hours on social media. In comparison, it only takes 738 hours to receive a certificate as a Pipe Technician at Compass Career College. It’s a feasible and attainable goal, and we are ready and waiting to help you achieve it. When you graduate, you will be prepared to start your future in a job you’re passionate about.

If you are interested in learning more about our Pipe Technician Program and the career of a welder, contact us by calling our admissions office at 985-419-2050 or visiting our Pipe Technician program page. Our Spring 2021 cohort will begin February 1st with registration ending January 29th. Don’t wait until it’s too late, start your essential career as a Pipe Technician right here at Compass Career College!

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