National accreditation - why is it important to select a college that is accredited?
There are so many things for you to consider as you look to pursue higher education. The cost, of course, is a big concern. As is the return on investment of your degree – in other words, will your degree put you in position for a viable and worthwhile career?
But perhaps one of the most important factors to consider is whether the school is accredited.
Tips for prospective students of higher learning: What is college accreditation?
College accreditation is a process by which institutions of higher learning evaluate one another. These schools set common standards of excellence or goals to which they believe all schools should adhere.
They then form associations to administer accreditation programs, which schools, like Compass Career College in Hammond, enter into voluntarily.
There are two basic types of accreditation: institutional and special, or program accreditation. Institutional accreditation means the college or university is accredited as a whole, lending credibility to the school.
The other type of accreditation is special or program accreditation. Universities typically offer many courses of study. There are organizations which offer accreditation to universities with many courses of study, based on these individual programs and not to the university as a whole.
Why should you choose an accredited school?
College accreditation is a sign that the institution you're choosing to invest in adheres to certain goals and standards recognized as important to the quality of education.
Even further than that, a school’s accreditation affects whether you can get Federal (Title V) and state financial aid, and it can determine whether your credits will be accepted by another college if you should transfer between schools.
It's not uncommon, as well, for employers to be influenced by an accredited program. When looking to fill a position, they may choose to hire applicants who come from an accredited school, simply because they can place more trust in the type of education that applicant received.
Is Compass Career College of Hammond, LA an accredited school?
Yes, Compass Career College is licensed by the Louisiana State Board of Regents and adheres to the rules and regulations of the Louisiana Proprietary Schools Advisory Commission.
It is nationally accredited by the Council on Occupational Education. CCC also reports to the Louisiana State Board of Practical Nurse Examiners, The Department of Health and Hospitals, and the Louisiana State Board of Cosmetology. CCC is also a member of the Association of Private Schools, Colleges, and Universities, and the National Association of the Financial Aid Administrators.
These accreditations and memberships ensure that the programs we offer to our students are designed to give them the skills and education they need to become successful in their career paths.